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A Place for Art: Invitational is not your regular type of exhibition. It doesn't play by the rules.

The show features artworks by artists who have worked with and have taken classes for an extended period from the Frank L. Melega Art Museum Director and co-founder, Patrick Daugherty, at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts & Media. Mr. Daugherty retired in 2022 from PCA&M after teaching there for forty-two years. "This is my way of saying Thank You." stated Daugherty.  

There was be no opening reception, in fact, artworks were installed throughout the run of the show to give those eligible and interested a chance to participate.

A Closing Reception was held Sunday, May 7, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, 2023.

Each exhibiting artist has their own webpage and can be accessed by clicking on their name from the list below. In addition to their piece in the show, additional examples of their artworks are included.

A question was asked at the Closing Reception regarding the palette used in the exhibition's banner (pictured left). The palette, on display in the show, belongs to one of the exhibiting artists. Which artist?

Click here to find the answer.

Click on the name of the artist to see their piece in the show and additional artworks.

A Place for Art: Invitational - Closing Reception

2023 Artist of the Pike: Jeannine Zitney

The Frank L. Melega Art Museum is pleased to announce the 2023 Artist of the Pike, Grindstone resident, Jeannine Zitney.  The exhibition is free to the public, free parking, and appropriate for all ages.

Like Frank Melega, Jeannine is a self-taught artist. Her paintings often portray people, focusing on their faces. Jeannine has a passion for painting, an interest that came from a deeply personal experience.

Zitney talks about her battle with cancer and how painting was key to her recovery.

   “I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in 2013 and found myself spending a lot of time very Ill through that fight. Prior to cancer I was a very active person. I then found myself with so much time spent fighting for my life and physically too weak to do most things I had been passionate about. I was forced to slow down. I started sketching during my chemotherapy treatments and watched every art tutorial I could find on YouTube. I spent the thousands of hours in that bed filling my mind with knowledge and technique in the hopes that I could someday be well enough to create art. I slowly started painting in the three years I spent in active treatment. It is nearly ten years since that time, and I paint every single day I am able. I have an easel situated in the corner of my bedroom opposite the bed and recliner that I must be in when I'm not well enough to paint. While cancer and the aftereffects have turned my life upside down through it, I have discovered that Painting is my passion. It has given me purpose and allowed me to express feelings both good and bad, beauty and ugliness with my brush. It is very cathartic to my soul.”

The artwork depicts a variety of portraits, fantasy, mythology, women's issues, and the human condition. Being self-taught these days is very different from the days of Mr. Melega because now, anytime of the day, you can learn about all types of painting techniques on the internet. Jeannine is a dedicated student. Her work continues to improve. You do learn to paint by painting and Zitney has the work ethic needed to be a successful artist. This includes selling her artworks, including commissions. Jeannine's story is compelling, her painting style robust, her artwork is inspiring. A fitting choice for the 2023 Artist of the Pike.

Frank R. Melega is a retired art educator and artist. In 1999, Frank co-founded our museum which bears his father's name.

Earl Markowitz is our first glass artist to be part of a major exhibition. Beautiful plates, bowls, plus glass sculptures.

Derek C. F. Pegritz, in his first museum show, creates mind-boggling pen & ink drawings of incredible detail and surreal vision.

All pen & inks are 12 x 9 inches and $75.

Glass priced $35 - $200

Original Frank R. Melega artworks $75 - $550

Artworks may be removed from exhibiton upon purchase.

Saturday, May 20 - Sunday August 20

Frank R. Melega                                                                  Black Lick

Derek C. F. Pegritz    Thing


Earl Markowitz

Art in Three Acts

Frank R. Melega - Paintings and more

Earl Markowitz - Glass

Derek C. F. Pegritz - Surreal Pen & Ink

Frank R. Melega   Polish Hill

Derek C. F. Pegritz  

Conjuring the Flesh Flame

I love seeing those red dots (item sold)!