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Call ahead to confirm
weekend schedule:
Open Tuesday - Sunday
Noon to 5:00 PM
Closed Mondays
Gift Membership
Membership Application : (Print this document. Please send via fax or mail)
I wish to :
___ Purchase a Charter Membership as a gift for someone else.
Choose one of the three ways below to begin your Gift Membership:
Call the Membership Office
(724) 785-9331
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Print this form and fax to
(724) 785-8626
7 days a week
Print this form and mail to
Frank L. Melega Museum Membership
P.O. Box 97
69 Market Street
Brownsville, PA 15417
Make check or money order payable to:
BARC/Frank L. Melega Art Museum
Name(s): ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: __________________ Zip: _____________
Telephone: Home: ______________ Office: ______________
E-mail: ______________________________________
Use the following for gift memberships only:
Gift Recipient's Name(s): ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: __________________ Zip: _____________
Telephone: Home: ______________ Office: ______________
E-mail: ______________________________________
Message from gift giver: ____________________________________
Choose a category:
___ Student (full time) $20
___ Senior (age 62+) $20
___ Individual $25
___ Family $30
___ Patron $75
___ Founder $125
___ Associate $250
___ Fellow $500
___ Director's Circle $1000
___ Benefactor/Corporate $5000 + (Special Recognition Program)
___ Additional Tax Deductible Donation $ _______________
$ ________ Total amount enclosed
Credit Card: Check one
___MasterCard ___ VISA
Credit Card Number: __________________________________
Expiration Date: _______________
Name on Card: _______________________________________
Sign here__________________________________
___ I have included my employer's matching gift form to double or
triple my gift.
Thank You!
The Frank L. Melega Art Museum does not sell Members’ names,
addresses, phone numbers or email addresses to any organization.
Open Tuesday - Sunday
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed Mondays
Call ahead to confirm
weekend schedule:
724 785 9331
Open Tuesday - Friday
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed Mondays
Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Call ahead to confirm
Saturday schedule:
724 785 9331